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Ham (Amateur Radio)

By: Jim Moy (M1CPC)             Published: July 14, 2023 at 14:22.

What is Amateur Radio and how do I use it.

Ham (amateur) radios are a versatile communication option that can be beneficial for 4x4 enthusiasts. These radios operate on amateur radio frequencies and require a license to operate. Here are some key points about ham radios and their relevance to 4x4 vehicles:

    Communication Range:
    Ham radios have the potential for longer communication range compared to CB radios or PMR radios. Depending on the radio's power output, antenna setup, and atmospheric conditions, ham radios can achieve significantly greater communication distances. This makes them suitable for long-distance communication, especially in remote areas where cellular coverage may be limited.
    License Requirement:
    To operate a ham radio, you must obtain a license from the relevant authority in your country. The licensing process typically involves passing an examination that covers radio theory, regulations, and operating procedu.......

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