Gear   >   Winches   >   Additional Equipment.

Additional Equipment.

By: George Fraekin            Published: May 14, 2023 at 10:32.

Is there anything else I should have with my winch?

Here are some other things you should buy before using your winch:

  • Leather gloves: Leather gloves will allow you to operate the winch safely. It is possible to operate a winch without gloves. However, a pair of good leather gloves will keep your hands from getting abrasions. You can get something simple and cheap, like this pair of Mechanix Wear Gloves from Amazon.
  • Aftermarket line: Almost all winches will come with a stock line for towing your truck. However, in the rare case that you get a winch that does not have a stock line, you can buy a steel cable or nylon rope and use that to haul your truck.
  • Heavy gauge cable: If the winch does not come with a heavy gauge cable or you do not own a heavy gauge cable, consider buying one when you buy your winch. You will need a heavy gauge cable to attach your winch to your truck’s battery.
  • Tree trunk strap and shackle: It is impor.......

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