Gear   >   Winches   >   Pulling Power

Pulling Power

By: Dave Monroe             Published: January 9, 2023 at 11:32.

How strong do I need my winch to be?

Undoubtedly, the most important thing to look for when buying a winch is how much the winch can haul. You simply can not get a winch that does not have enough hauling power, as that would be worthless. Instead, you must make sure the hauling power is well above what your vehicle weighs.

Why do we say that? Because every vehicle will have extra weight loaded on it. There might be cargo, extra wheels, and a full tank of gas.

The fact that vehicles usually have extra weight loaded on them is especially true for off-road vehicles because off-road vehicles tend to have more modifications and aftermarket add-ons. For example, you might have installed a lift kit and heavier, larger tires, all of which put extra stress on the winch.

So, if your vehicle weighs 6,000 pounds (2,722 kgs), look for a winch that can haul at least 8,000 or 9,000 pounds (3,629 or 4,082 kgs). Stronger winches usually cost more, but it is better to be safe rather than so.......

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